India is fast becoming one of the most viable mobile markets worldwide, with high engagement rates and a huge proportion of the population on the brink of uptake. Despite that, many developers and businesses are missing out on this massive audience because they aren’t producing content for all device types.
India’s digital advertising industry is a behemoth, with an estimated spend of US$458.33 million in 2014. In the the past two years, the mobile and video advertising shares in India have doubled. Despite that, a huge proportion of international and Indian companies are missing the largest part of an audience that is almost a billion people strong.
Why? Because, like most countries with emerging economies, around 81 percent of the Indian market runs on feature phones. Cheaper, hardier, and with a longer battery life, they’re a better option for most of the population… but they’re also more difficult to develop for. Varying display sizes, proxy browsers and lower-quality screens mean that extra steps and consideration have to be taken into account, something that can take additional time and money when both resources are crucial.
Developers that are unaware of the massive lead in the market feature phones have are ignoring the majority of Indian mobile users.
AdSpruce has developed its video advertising with the Indian market in mind; that’s one of the reasons our software is compatible with over 15,000 mobile devices.
Check out our infographic to see the market you could be missing out on:
Have some opinions on different device types and how to utilise them? Then let us know by getting in contact via Twitter, Facebook or Google+. For information on how we can help monetise your site or get your advert into the feature phone market, visit Adsprhttp://adspruce.com/?aff=bloguce.